~2010 Gauge-changeable system for the Northeast Asian Railway Network
작성인 박정준
~2010 Scheduling trains as a blocking parallel-machine job shop scheduling problem
작성인 박정준
~2010 Assembly Line Balancing
작성인 박목민
~2010 Assembly System Design
작성인 박목민
~2010 Object Motion Detection using RFID & Mercury Switch
작성인 박목민
~2010 Production Scheduling under Uncertainties
작성인 박목민
~2010 Dynamic Scheduling Problem
작성인 박목민
~2010 Order Promising Problem
작성인 박목민
~2010 Order Promising
작성인 박목민
~2010 Value of Information and Urgent Order
작성인 박목민
~2010 RFID in Manufacturing
작성인 박목민
~2010 Flexibility in Supply Chain
작성인 박목민
~2010 Real-time Order Processing and Production Control in Responsive Manufacturing System
작성인 박목민
~2010 An Economic Analysis on RFID Impact in Supply Chain
작성인 박목민
~2010 A Framework for Enhancing Responsiveness in Order Processing (논문준비)
작성인 박목민
~2010 A Framework for Enhancing Responsiveness in Sales Order Processing System Using Web Services and Ubiquitous Computing Technologies (APMS)
작성인 박목민
~2010 Business Integration Framework for Due-date Re-negotiation in Responsive Sales Order Processing System (논문준비)
작성인 박목민
~2010 제조 기업의 판매주문관리에서의 대응성 향상 방안
작성인 박목민
~2010 Sales and Operation Planning with an APS
작성인 문치호
~2010 Dynamic Scheduling in Flexible Assembly System
작성인 문치호