
year 1993 
author Sangkyun Kim 
Keyword Flexible Manufacturing Cell( FMC ), Supervisory Control, Finite State Automata, Control Software 
Abstract This research is concerned with the development of a formal procedure for the design of control software in an FMC environment. As FMCs come in various configurations and impose peculiar control requirements, it is difficult to develop a design procedure that is applicable to all situations. To cope with such problem we used a finite state automata as a prime modeling tool for FMC and utilized the supervisory control theory under the framework of Ramadge and Wonham to resolve the logical problems associated with the asynchronous behavior of cell components. We also proposed a controller architecture based on the cell supervisor. In addition, we proposed a CS( Control Specification ) structure as a conceptual aid in specifying the event-driven controller : from data management to communication needs. Adaptive supervisor and event queue concepts are also presented to overcome the complexity problem and synchronization problem, respectively. Supervisor synthesis process for the machining cell of a real FMS is presented as an example. Our procedure has the characteristics of guaranteeing mathematical stability of the controller, modular design and rapid implementation of control software. 
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