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~2010 Measuring Supply Chain Efficiency
작성인 조장원
~2010 The Reader Collision Problem In RFID Systems
작성인 옹건남
~2010 management of RFID data
작성인 이정섭
~2010 박사학위 논문심사 대비 (비공개)
작성인 이형곤
~2010 Production Scheduling under Uncertainties
작성인 박목민
~2010 산업공학회 발표준비: A Study on Utility Value and Fairness of Information Sharing
작성인 오명란
~2010 Integrated Models for Production Planning and Scheduling in Supply Chain (2)
작성인 김해중
~2010 Bullwhip Effect : Forward and Reverse
작성인 김강현
~2010 APMS Conference - A New Approach for Finite Capacity Planning in MRP Environment
작성인 나홍범
~2010 Manufacturing Execution System(MES)과 RFID
작성인 공재현
~2010 A comparison of focused cellular manufacturing to cellular manufacturing and job shop
작성인 조성호
~2010 ntegrated Models for Production Planning and Scheduling (1)
~2010 A High Performance MRP Part Explosion Process Using Computational Grid in a Distributed Database Environment
~2010 RFID in Supply Chain
~2010 The value of sharing lead time informantion
~2010 RFID anti-collision protocols
~2010 RFID 표준안 비교 및 우리나라 이용 실태 조사 발표
~2010 Object Motion Detection using RFID & Mercury Switch
~2010 Job scheduling for Grid computing
~2010 GECCO 2006 발표