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2011 A CSP-based Load Leveling Algorithm for Ship Block Erection Network
작성인 황규선
2011 Object Process Methodology for Manufacturing Execution System based on International Standard
2011 프로젝트 제안 PPT
2011 Auditing the manufacturing system using IT governance tools
2012 Auditing the manufacturing system using IT governance tools
2012 Auditing a manufacturing system using performance measurement
2012 제조 실행시스템의 성과 측정을 위한 프레임워크 개발 연구
2012 Developing performance measurement system for Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
2012 졸업 논문 계획 발표
2012 석사 졸업 논문 발표
2013 현대중공업 중일정계획 프로젝트 진행상황 보고
2013 AnyLogic을 활용한 종합병원 건강검진센터의 서비스 개선 연구
2013 Introduction of Internet Of Things and 3D print
2013 Operational performance metrics in manufacturing process
2014 과제 프로젝트 중간보고
2014 RFID를 이용한 성과 측정 개발 방안 (주제 제안)
2014 현대중공업 프로젝트 보고
2015 프로젝트 경과 보고
2015 Ontology 공학과 BPM을 이용한 MES 단계에서의 성과 측정 효과 산정 방안 제시
~2010 Order stability in supply chains
작성인 홍영지
~2010 RFID-enable real-time wireless manufacturing
~2010 RFID application
~2010 Implementation and testing of an EPCglobal-aware Discovery Service for Item-level Traceability
~2010 Software Metric & Productivity Measurement
작성인 한수민
~2010 Lean development & SPI-LEAM
~2010 Function Point & Software effort estimation
2011 A study on the number of Pallets in RMC
2011 topics related to VRP
2011 empowerment scheduling for field workforce
2012 A Study on Emergency Logistics Management System For Effective and Efficient Response in Disastrous Situations
2012 Emergency logistics planning with time variant objective function
2012 Emergency Logistics with Agent-based modeling
2013 Emergency logistics
2014 수변구조물 응급대응 과제 1차년도 성과 발표
2014 Emergency Logistics
2015 철도기술연구원 2차년도 과제 결과 발표
~2010 RFID benefits,costs,and possibilities:The economic alanalysis of RFID deployment in a cruise corporation global service supply chain
작성인 태경휘
~2010 competitive advantage of RFID in SCM
~2010 Smart grid + EPCglobal network