lab sem test
List of Articles
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163 ~2010 Impact of RFID on Supply Chain file 남기헌 
162 ~2010 Information Inaccuracy in Supply Chain file 남기헌 
» ~2010 The Value of RFID Technology in Supply Chain file 남기헌 
160 ~2010 Cost-Benefit Analysis of RFID Implementation file 남기헌 
159 ~2010 공급 사슬 측면에서 RFID 기술 도입에 따른 정량적인 효과 분석 남기헌 
158 ~2010 RFID-based product information in end-of-life file 남기헌 
157 ~2010 Ubiquitous Technology & End-of-life Management file 남기헌 
156 ~2010 A Study on the Economic Feasibility of Automated Identification Technology on the ELV Management Process file 남기헌 
155 ~2010 Life-cycle management 1(development) file 노현일 
154 ~2010 Product structure management file 노현일 
153 ~2010 A framework of e-SCM multi-agent system file 문준영 
152 ~2010 A sample management system for fashion product development file 문준영 
151 ~2010 Introduction to an active product state tracking architecture file 문준영 
150 ~2010 RFID-based Reverse Logistics System and Determination of Collection Points file 문준영 
149 ~2010 vehicle routing in reverse logistics file 문준영 
148 ~2010 A genetic algorithm based approach for the periodic vehicle routing problem file 문준영 
147 ~2010 Sales and Operation Planning with an APS file 문치호 
146 ~2010 Dynamic Scheduling in Flexible Assembly System file 문치호 
145 ~2010 A mixed integer programming model for APS file 문치호 
144 ~2010 Flow shop scheduling problem with limited machine availability file 문치호