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~2010 Production Scheduling under Uncertainties
작성인 박목민
~2010 Dynamic Scheduling Problem
~2010 Order Promising Problem
~2010 Order Promising
~2010 Value of Information and Urgent Order
~2010 RFID in Manufacturing
~2010 Flexibility in Supply Chain
~2010 Real-time Order Processing and Production Control in Responsive Manufacturing System
~2010 An Economic Analysis on RFID Impact in Supply Chain
~2010 A Framework for Enhancing Responsiveness in Order Processing (논문준비)
~2010 A Framework for Enhancing Responsiveness in Sales Order Processing System Using Web Services and Ubiquitous Computing Technologies (APMS)
~2010 Business Integration Framework for Due-date Re-negotiation in Responsive Sales Order Processing System (논문준비)
~2010 제조 기업의 판매주문관리에서의 대응성 향상 방안
~2010 Gauge-changeable system for the Northeast Asian Railway Network
작성인 박정준
~2010 Scheduling trains as a blocking parallel-machine job shop scheduling problem
~2010 An optimization model for the design of a capacitated multi-product reverse logistics network with uncertainty
작성인 박정호
~2010 Controlling inventories with stochastic item returns_ A basic model
~2010 A stochastic approach to a case study for product
~2010 FMS Real-time scheduling Method
~2010 Reconfigurable manufacturing systems the state of the art
~2010 한국의 국제 복합 일관 수송 현황과 개선방안_ 3PL 철도 화물을 중심으로
2011 RFID in product lifecycle management : a case in the automotive industry
작성인 박준호
~2010 Joint Optimisation of Spare Part Inventory, Maintenance Frequency and Repair Capacity for k-out-of-N Systems
~2010 Aircraft availability Scheduling preventive maintenance Sorties Allocation OR in military
2011 Scheduling preventive maintenance for aircraft engine
2011 Flight and Maintenance Planning of Military Aircraft
2011 군용 항공기 일일 비행임무 계획을 위한 항공기 할당 문제
~2010 로제타넷 최근동향
작성인 서진우
~2010 Coodinating dispatching rule을 이용한 Job Shop schedule의 성능 개선
~2010 화이트칼라 작업장에서 작업 효율 개선 - 다중 모니터 사용을 중심으로
~2010 화이트 칼라 작업장에서 작업 효율 측정 및 개선 : 컴퓨터 작업을 중심으로
~2010 컴퓨터 화면이 지식노동자 생산성에 미치는 영향과 그 대안 - 하이라이트(비공개)
~2010 긴급수송과 외부 용차를 고려한 허브-스포크 네트워크의 설계
~2010 A holonic approach to dynamic manufacturing scheduling
~2010 Ranking Dispatching Rules by Data Envelopment Analysis
~2010 Business Process Management and Petri nets
~2010 Theory Of Constraints
~2010 Scheduling in Assembly Jobshop
~2010 RMC Scheduling