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~2010 Design of Closed-loop Supply Chain
작성인 김영우
~2010 Multiple-objective scheduling and real-time dispatching
작성인 문치호
~2010 FMS Real-time scheduling Method
작성인 박정호
~2010 A Framework for Enhancing Responsiveness in Sales Order Processing System Using Web Services and Ubiquitous Computing Technologies (APMS)
작성인 박목민
~2010 Business Process Management and Petri nets
작성인 서진우
~2010 vehicle routing in reverse logistics
작성인 문준영
~2010 SSCFLP: Heuristics and Applications
작성인 이동명
~2010 제조공정의 특징에 따른 우선순위규칙 기반의 스케줄링 (정밀공학회)
작성인 나홍범
~2010 Maintenance Issues in Lifecycle Management
작성인 윤소연
~2010 A stochastic approach to a case study for product
~2010 시뮬레이션학회발표준비
~2010 경영과학회/산업공학회 공동학회 발표준비
~2010 RFID-based Reverse Logistics System and Determination of Collection Points
~2010 A Framework for Enhancing Responsiveness in Order Processing (논문준비)
~2010 Ranking Dispatching Rules by Data Envelopment Analysis
~2010 A Framework for integrating Wireless Sensor and RFID Networks
~2010 ADSCP framework for 3PL partnership
~2010 Controlling inventories with stochastic item returns_ A basic model
~2010 Flow shop scheduling problem with limited machine availability
~2010 Development of a Productive Service Module Based on a Life Cycle Perspective of Maintenance Issues
~2010 Introduction to an active product state tracking architecture
~2010 A holonic approach to dynamic manufacturing scheduling
~2010 Generation and evaluation of prdoduction oriented product platform
~2010 Using RFID in control systems for industrial applications
~2010 An optimization model for the design of a capacitated multi-product reverse logistics network with uncertainty
~2010 Achieving Supply Chain Agility
~2010 Product Lifecycle Management and Information Tracking using Smart Embedded Systems
~2010 A sample management system for fashion product development
~2010 A mixed integer programming model for APS
~2010 Product platform in automotive industry
~2010 긴급수송과 외부 용차를 고려한 허브-스포크 네트워크의 설계
~2010 Forward-backward Analysis of RFID-enabled Supply Chain
~2010 Dynamic Scheduling in Flexible Assembly System
~2010 A framework of e-SCM multi-agent system
~2010 A Study on the Economic Feasibility of Automated Identification Technology on the ELV Management Process
작성인 남기헌
~2010 A Study on the Working Effect of UAV Hitting Mine Artillery(not open)
작성인 정영호
~2010 Issues on product platform architecture development
~2010 컴퓨터 화면이 지식노동자 생산성에 미치는 영향과 그 대안 - 하이라이트(비공개)
~2010 A Study on Integrated Risk Management Framework in SCM
작성인 김강현
~2010 학회발표준비(비공개)
작성인 이영균