lab sem test

Resource leveling problem

2011 조회 수 2419 추천 수 0 2015.08.03 16:26:08
Date : 2011/06/27 
작성인 : 김성훈 
Key Words : Project scheduling, Resource leveling 
List of Articles
번호 제목 작성인sort

~2010 Floating stocks in fast moving consumer goods file

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~2010 Evaluating logistics network configuration for a global SC file

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~2010 Optimization of Ship Design within an Integrated Multimodal Transport System

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~2010 Assessing environmental performance by combining life cycle assessment, multi-criteria analysis and environmental performance indicators file

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2014 3D 프린터 교육

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~2010 MES에서의 DATA 교환을 위한 통신 프레임워크 file

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~2010 RFID in Manufacturing file

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~2010 Manufacturing Execution System(MES)과 RFID file

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~2010 Modular Product와 RFID 적용 아이디어 file

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~2010 Manufacturing에서의 postponement와 modular product scheduling file

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~2010 Event-Driven Service Coordination for Business Process Integration in Ubiquitous Enterprises (논문 아이디어) file

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~2010 RFID Events and Business Process Integration (논문 아이디어) file

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~2010 Business Process Change in Ubiquitous Environments file

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~2010 Dynamic Business Process Change (논문 아이디어) file

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~2010 ISA-95를 중심으로 한 MES 개발 file

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~2010 Product Lifecycle Management (focus on collaborative integrating system) file

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~2010 Job scheduling for Grid computing file

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~2010 Bullwhip Effect : Forward and Reverse file

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~2010 TFT-LCD Industry & APS file

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~2010 Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)

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2014 A Framework for Implementation of Additive Manufaturing file

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2015 RFID기반의 제조 일정 계획 및 시행보고 시스템에 대한 연구

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2012 Modeling and Optimization of Cost-effective Charging Scheduling for the Battery Switch Stations of Electric Vehicles file

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2012 optimal real-time pricing algorighm based on utility maximization for smart grid file

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2012 Scheduling in a semiconductor packagine line + transformer process

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2013 분산전원을 고려한 배터리교환소 최적 운영 모델 file

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2013 Modeling Electric Vehicle Benefits Connected to Smart Grids file

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2013 졸업 논문 발표

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~2010 Structuring Method for Ambient Intelligence file

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~2010 Resource-constrained multi-project scheduling file

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~2010 Resource reallocation techniques considering probability of compliance in multi-project management file

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2011 Project selection and scheduling with completion time dependent returns file

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2011 My research direction in project scheduling file

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2011 Resource leveling problem file

작성인 김성훈 

2011 The algorithm for resource leveling file

작성인 김성훈