223 |
Floating stocks in fast moving consumer goods
Louis |
222 |
Evaluating logistics network configuration for a global SC
Louis |
221 |
Optimization of Ship Design within an Integrated Multimodal Transport System
Louis |
220 |
Assessing environmental performance by combining life cycle assessment, multi-criteria analysis and environmental performance indicators
Louis |
219 |
MES에서의 DATA 교환을 위한 통신 프레임워크
공재헌 |
218 |
RFID in Manufacturing
공재현 |
217 |
Manufacturing Execution System(MES)과 RFID
공재현 |
216 |
Modular Product와 RFID 적용 아이디어
공재현 |
215 |
Manufacturing에서의 postponement와 modular product scheduling
공재현 |
214 |
Event-Driven Service Coordination for Business Process Integration in Ubiquitous Enterprises (논문 아이디어)
공재현 |
213 |
RFID Events and Business Process Integration (논문 아이디어)
공재현 |
212 |
Business Process Change in Ubiquitous Environments
공재현 |
211 |
Dynamic Business Process Change (논문 아이디어)
공재현 |
210 |
ISA-95를 중심으로 한 MES 개발
공재현 |
209 |
Product Lifecycle Management (focus on collaborative integrating system)
김강현 |
208 |
Job scheduling for Grid computing
김강현 |
207 |
Bullwhip Effect : Forward and Reverse
김강현 |
206 |
차세대 ERP/SCM Project Study
김강현 |
205 |
TFT-LCD Industry & APS
김강현 |
204 |
Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)
김강현 |