lab sem test
Date : 2006/12/15 
작성인 : 조장원 
Key Words : Supply Chain, Data Envelopment Analysis, System Efficiency 
List of Articles
번호 제목 작성인sort

~2010 Order stability in supply chains file

작성인 홍영지 

~2010 RFID-enable real-time wireless manufacturing file

작성인 홍영지 

~2010 RFID application file

작성인 홍영지 

~2010 Implementation and testing of an EPCglobal-aware Discovery Service for Item-level Traceability file

작성인 홍영지 

~2010 Software Metric & Productivity Measurement file

작성인 한수민 

~2010 Lean development & SPI-LEAM file

작성인 한수민 

~2010 Function Point & Software effort estimation file

작성인 한수민 

~2010 RFID benefits,costs,and possibilities:The economic alanalysis of RFID deployment in a cruise corporation global service supply chain file

작성인 태경휘 


작성인 태경휘 

~2010 competitive advantage of RFID in SCM

작성인 태경휘 

~2010 Smart grid + EPCglobal network file

작성인 태경휘 

~2010 think about thesis file

작성인 태경휘 

~2010 Measuring Supply Chain Performance file

작성인 조장원 

~2010 RFID, states of the art file

작성인 조장원 

~2010 RFID in Supply Chain file

작성인 조장원 

~2010 Measuring Supply Chain Efficiency file

작성인 조장원 

~2010 RFID data compression file

작성인 조장원 

~2010 RFID 표준안 비교 및 우리나라 이용 실태 조사 발표 file

작성인 조성호 

~2010 A comparison of focused cellular manufacturing to cellular manufacturing and job shop file

작성인 조성호 

~2010 Interacting with a Self-Describing World via Photosensing Wireless Tags and Projectors file

작성인 조성호