2011 A CSP-based Load Leveling Algorithm for Ship Block Erection Network
작성인 황규선
2011 Object Process Methodology for Manufacturing Execution System based on International Standard
작성인 황규선
2011 프로젝트 제안 PPT
작성인 황규선
2011 Auditing the manufacturing system using IT governance tools
작성인 황규선
2011 A study on the number of Pallets in RMC
작성인 한수민
2011 topics related to VRP
작성인 한수민
2011 empowerment scheduling for field workforce
작성인 한수민
2011 Lean-pull strategy in a re-entrant manufacturing environment
작성인 이재봉
2011 Operational and environmental performence measures in CLSC
작성인 이재봉
2011 Vehicle Routing Problem
작성인 이성진
2011 Reducing the Level of the Waiting Blocks in the Shipbuilding Industry by Using the Theory of Constraints
작성인 이성진
2011 Load Leveling in shipyard(비공개)
작성인 서진우
2011 Developing Practical Machine Scheduler(비공개)
작성인 서진우
2011 Development of practical machine scheduler in worker-involved reconfigurable manufacturing cell(비공개)
작성인 서진우
2011 RFID in product lifecycle management : a case in the automotive industry
작성인 박준호
2011 Scheduling preventive maintenance for aircraft engine
작성인 박준호
2011 Flight and Maintenance Planning of Military Aircraft
작성인 박준호
2011 Flight and Maintenance Planning of Military Aircraft
작성인 박준호
2011 군용 항공기 일일 비행임무 계획을 위한 항공기 할당 문제
작성인 박준호
2011 A modeling framework for facility location problem
작성인 김정훈