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~2010 A mixed integer programming model for APS
작성인 문치호
~2010 Flow shop scheduling problem with limited machine availability
~2010 경영과학회/산업공학회 공동학회 발표준비
~2010 Multiple-objective scheduling and real-time dispatching
~2010 Vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands
~2010 Dispatching rules for job shop scheduling with due date-based objectives
~2010 An integrated dispatching rule for wafer fabrication
~2010 A framework of e-SCM multi-agent system
작성인 문준영
~2010 A sample management system for fashion product development
~2010 Introduction to an active product state tracking architecture
~2010 RFID-based Reverse Logistics System and Determination of Collection Points
~2010 vehicle routing in reverse logistics
~2010 A genetic algorithm based approach for the periodic vehicle routing problem
~2010 Life-cycle management 1(development)
작성인 노현일
~2010 Product structure management
~2010 Activity Centric Context Awareness
작성인 남기헌
~2010 Impact of RFID on Supply Chain
~2010 Information Inaccuracy in Supply Chain
~2010 The Value of RFID Technology in Supply Chain
~2010 Cost-Benefit Analysis of RFID Implementation