author Tai-Woo Chang 
2nd author / Jinwoo Park (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
/ Hanil Jeong (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
/ Chankwon Park (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
/ Yunseok Nam (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) 
info Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.122-127, 2004 
year 2004 
c IJ 
저널/학회 JESTC 
keyword Customer Relationship Management, Customer Information, Address Information, Address Component 
abstract Customer relationship management systems are gaining importance in today’s business environment since customer satisfaction is crucial to the success of an enterprise, and especially so in e-business environment where customers can find substitute suppliers quite easily . In CRM, the quality of customer information is very important, and the address information even more so. It is because the address information plays a major role for customer contact channel and for timely and effective marketing service. Furthermore, it gives the basic source of geographic information for the offline delivery, the terminal activity of the e-commerce. In this study, we analyze various standards and proposals for the address information, and propose data models for the management of the information focusing on address components, and proto-type systems for management and service. 
번호 c 저널/학회 group 제목 author year

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