author Dongmyung Lee 
2nd author Jeonghoon Mo (Dept. of Information and Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University)
Guang Jin (Highbrow Inc.)
Jinwoo Park (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University) 
info IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (SCI, 4.232) 
year 2012 
c IJ 
저널/학회 IEEE JSAC 
group SCI 
keyword Pricing, Internet, Flat Price, Two-Part Tariff, Price of Simplicity, Congestion Externality 
abstract In this paper, we consider revenues of the NSP (network service provider) when there exists a “congestion externality.” In particular, we compare revenues obtained using a flat price and two-part tariff and analyze the effect of congestion on the revenue loss when using a simple entry fee in lieu of the two-part tariff. Previous study has shown that when there is no delay disutility the revenue loss is small, which leads to a low “Price of Simplicity.” However, in this study, we show that in an extreme case where all users are identical, the price of simplicity is substantial. Then we consider a more practical scenario where users have different preferences, and show that even in this case, under congestion externality, the price can be extremely high.