author Eoksu Sim 
2nd author / Haejoong Kim (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
/ Chankwon Park (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
/ Jinwoo Park (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University) 
info Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3398, pp.59-67, 2005 
year 2005 
c IJ 
저널/학회 LNAI 
group SCOPUS 
keyword Disassembly system, simulation modeling, performance analysis 
abstract Recently some regulations such as EPR (Extended Producer Responsibilities) have forced companies to develop an interest in recycling systems. In particular, these regulations are focused on the reuse of product materials to resolve environmental disruption or waste disposal. Unfortunately, a large amount of research has been conducted only in the field of mass production, rather than in the automotive disassembly systems that are more likely to have significant opportunities for reuse and recycling. Therefore, it has become necessary to conduct analytic research on systems with the capacity to deal with the annually increasing number of vehicles for disassembly. In this paper, we evaluate four existing vehicle disassembly systems and propose a new and improved alternative disassembly system. We also conduct performance analysis for each system using simulation modeling. Furthermore, we propose 4 alternatives and test their efficiencies in order to improve their performances. 
번호 c 저널/학회 group 제목 author year

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