55 | IC | AsiaSim |
Developing a Practical Machine Scheduler for Worker-Involved Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems
| Jinwu Seo | | 2011 |
Hybrid Algorithms in Integrated Quality Design & Scheduling
| Jonghan Kim | | 2000 |
53 | IC | CIE |
Decision support system for preliminary cost estimation with case based reasoning
| Jonghan Kim | | 2004 |
52 | IC | ICARCV |
A Discrete Control Approach to Robotic Cell Operating System Design
| Jonghun Park | | 1996 |
51 | IC | PCM |
FMS Scheduling Strategies in a Distributed Coordination Environment
| Jonghun Park | | 1996 |
50 | IC | APIEMS |
A genetic algorithm based approach for the periodic vehicle routing problem
| Joon Yung Moon | | 2009 |
49 | IC | APMS |
Modeling and optimization of unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with time-dependent and machine-dependent electricity cost
| Joon Yung Moon | | 2011 |
48 | IC | Asian eBiz |
Supplier Responsiveness Metrics for Supplier Selection in a New Product Launch Environment
| Jungsub Lee | | 2008 |
47 | IC | ICPR |
A Scheduling Algorithm considering Subcontract cost in MRP Environment
| Kichang Lee | | 1997 |
46 | IC | ICPR |
Development of a Decision Support System for the formulation of Manufacturing
| Kichang Lee | | 2001 |
45 | IC | SCSC |
Performance Improvement Methodology for a Manufacturing System using Petri Nets and Simulation Analysis
| Kichang Lee | | 2002 |
44 | IC | IFAC on IMS |
A Weighted Load Balancing Heuristic that Minimizes Makespan in Alternative Routing and Machine Environment
| Kidong Kim | | 1997 |
43 | IC | APIEMS |
A Study on Developing a Scheduling System in Alternative Routing and Machine Environment
| Kidong Kim | | 1999 |
42 | IC | AsiaSim |
An Economic Analysis on RFID Impact in Supply Chain
| Kiheon Nam | | 2008 |
41 | IC | AsiaSim |
A Study on Simulation Model for Yard Layout Planning in Offshore Plant Industry
| Kim Hyun Jun | Kim Hyun Jun | 2015 |
40 | IC | ICRA |
An On-Line Production Scheduler using Neural Network and Simulator based on Manufacturing System State
| Kitae Kim | | 2001 |
» | IC | PAIS |
Knowledge Acquisition using Neural Network and Simulator
| Kitae Shin | | 2001 |
38 | IC | e-Biz |
Design of Information System for e-Logistics
| Kitae Shin | | 2004 |
37 | IC | ICCSA |
Efficient Mapping Rule of IDEF for UMM Application
| Kitae Shin | | 2005 |
36 | IC | IEOM |
A Real-time Information System Using RFID for Visually Impaired
| Kyounghwi Tae | | 2011 |