author Kichang Lee 
2nd author / Kitae Kim (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
/ Kitae Shin (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
/ Jinwoo Park (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University) 
info Date: 1997년 08월 04일 ~ 1997년 08월 05일
City: Osaka
Nation: Japan
Additional Information:
The 14th International Conference on Production Research, pp.1068-1071. 
year 1997 
category IC 
start / end date  
city / nation  
학회 ICPR 
keywords Scheduling, Due Date, Subcontract Cost, Heuristic 
abstract Customer satisfaction is becoming more and more important issue in enterprise environments these days. And meeting due-dates may be one of the most critical necessary conditions in satisfying customer needs. In this respect, many researchers have tried to develop good scheduling algorithms to observe due-dates. Most of these efforts tried to minimize some tardiness related measures by assigning heavy penalty costs when due-dates are violated while considering fixed production capacities. A more practical approach to circumvent the problem may be to use subcontracting mechanism. The production environment of this research may be considered as a flexible flow line. And the objective function of the problem is to minimize the subcontract cost while observing due-date and focusing on the possibilities of subcontracting. The solution methodology adopted in this research is an effective heuristic algorithm based on backward schedule generation and forward search & modification method. The experimental results of this heuristic were shown to be very fast and efficient and in many cases were same with optimal solution.. 


번호 category 학회 제목 author presenter year
75 IC  ICMA  Machine-Understandable e-Business Modeling with Ontology Tai-Woo Chang    2002 
74 IC  Asian eBiz  A Systematic Approach for Ontology-based e-Business Modeling Tai-Woo Chang    2002 
73 IC  SCSC  Performance Improvement Methodology for a Manufacturing System using Petri Nets and Simulation Analysis Kichang Lee    2002 
72 IC  SCSC  Inventory Management in a Supply Chain using Neural Networks file Sungwon Jung    2002 
71 IC  IBERC  An Ontology-Based Framework for e-Business Integration file Tai-Woo Chang    2003 
70 IC  ICPR  Combined production and distribution planning using demand based mixed Genetic Algorithm in a supply chain file Sungwon Jung    2003 
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66 IC  AsiaSim  Vendor Managed Inventory and its value in the various supply chain Sungwon Jung    2004 
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62 IC  e-Biz  Design of Information System for e-Logistics Kitae Shin    2004 
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60 IC  KGW  A study on due-date assignment method in wafer fabrication facility producing multiple product types file Jaewon Park    2005 
59 IC  Asian eBiz  Applying Negotiation Patterns in Supply Chain Planning based on Self-integrating Environment file Yuncheol Kang    2005 
58 IC  GECCO  Solving Multi-level Lot Sizing Problem with Memetic Algorithm based on Refinement Procedure file Haejoong Kim    2006 
57 IC  ISFA  A framework for the ubiquitous MES using RFID and Web services technology file Manchul Han    2006 
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