75 | IC | ICMA |
Machine-Understandable e-Business Modeling with Ontology
| Tai-Woo Chang | | 2002 |
» | IC | Asian eBiz |
A Systematic Approach for Ontology-based e-Business Modeling
| Tai-Woo Chang | | 2002 |
73 | IC | SCSC |
Performance Improvement Methodology for a Manufacturing System using Petri Nets and Simulation Analysis
| Kichang Lee | | 2002 |
72 | IC | SCSC |
Inventory Management in a Supply Chain using Neural Networks
| Sungwon Jung | | 2002 |
71 | IC | IBERC |
An Ontology-Based Framework for e-Business Integration
| Tai-Woo Chang | | 2003 |
70 | IC | ICPR |
Combined production and distribution planning using demand based mixed Genetic Algorithm in a supply chain
| Sungwon Jung | | 2003 |
69 | IC | CIE |
Decision support system for preliminary cost estimation with case based reasoning
| Jonghan Kim | | 2004 |
68 | IC | SCSC |
Performance Evaluation of Alternative Designs for the Car Recycling System Using Simulation Analysis
| Eoksu Sim | | 2004 |
67 | IC | GECCO |
A Generic Network Design for a Closed-loop Supply Chain Using Genetic Algorithm
| Eoksu Sim | | 2004 |
66 | IC | AsiaSim |
Vendor Managed Inventory and its value in the various supply chain
| Sungwon Jung | | 2004 |
65 | IC | AsiaSim |
Performance Analysis of Alternative Designs for a Vehicle Disassembly System using Simulation Modeling
| Eoksu Sim | | 2004 |
64 | IC | AsiaSim |
Reorder decision system based on the concept of the order risk using neural networks
| Sungwon Jung | | 2004 |
63 | IC | CIE |
Information Strategy Planning for the Korean Postal Address Database
| Tai-Woo Chang | | 2004 |
62 | IC | e-Biz |
Design of Information System for e-Logistics
| Kitae Shin | | 2004 |
61 | IC | ICCSA |
Efficient Mapping Rule of IDEF for UMM Application
| Kitae Shin | | 2005 |
60 | IC | KGW |
A study on due-date assignment method in wafer fabrication facility producing multiple product types
| Jaewon Park | | 2005 |
59 | IC | Asian eBiz |
Applying Negotiation Patterns in Supply Chain Planning based on Self-integrating Environment
| Yuncheol Kang | | 2005 |
58 | IC | GECCO |
Solving Multi-level Lot Sizing Problem with Memetic Algorithm based on Refinement Procedure
| Haejoong Kim | | 2006 |
57 | IC | ISFA |
A framework for the ubiquitous MES using RFID and Web services technology
| Manchul Han | | 2006 |
56 | IC | AsiaSim |
The Cost Valuation Model for Reverse Supply Chain Using System Dynamics
| Hyunjong Jeong | | 2006 |