author Youngwoo Kim 
2nd author Jinwoo Park 
info This conference paper has been presented by Youngwoo Kim on the 한국시뮬레이션학회 추계학술대회. The conference has been held in 서울, 한국, 2009/10/23 ~ 2009/10/23 .

Additional information about the conference(conference paper) is '이화여자대학교'. 
year 2009 
category DC 
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학회 시뮬레이션秋 
keywords Centralized Reverse Logistics Management, Target-based Vehicle Routing Problem 
abstract Electronic goods and automobiles are producing under modular design nowadays. Thus it can reuse parts by reprocessing from the EOL (end-of-life) goods to manufacture new ones. Moreover, there are increasing demands to fulfill legislations such as Rio Summit, Kyoto protocol and Bali Action Plan. In this context, reverse logistics has been emerging as an environmental-friendly and sustainable solution that can accommodate these needs. We propose a framework for centralized reverse logistics management (CRLM) that supports well-managed operation in reverse logistics network. We also analyze generic vehicle routing problem (VRP) what is very important issue in reverse logistics and we propose target-based VRP (T-VRP) algorithm that complement weakness of generic VRP algorithm. Finally, we verify the proposed framework and analyze its effect on the reverse logistics by using simulation method. 

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