74 | DC | 자동제어 |
A Study on the FMS Shop Floor Control by Bidding among Autonomous Objects
| Jangsuk Moon | | 1993 |
73 | DC | 산업공학秋 |
An Information Model for Shop Floor Control by Interfacing Databases with Expert Systems
| Namkyu Park | | 1993 |
72 | DC | 산업공학秋 |
A Study on the FMS Shop Floor Control by Bidding among Autonomous Objects
| Jangsuk Moon | | 1993 |
71 | DC | 공동학회春 |
A Study on Development of a Knowledge Based Scheduler and Knowledge Acquisition through Simulation
| Kitae Kim | | 1994 |
70 | DC | 경영과학秋 |
Development of Statistic data processing module for layout simulator
| Hosub Shin | | 1994 |
69 | DC | 산업공학秋 |
일정계획의 수행도를 고려한 공정 경로와 가공 기계 선정에 관한 연구
| Kidong Kim | | 1996 |
68 | DC | 공동학회春 |
An Approximation Method for Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Sequence Independent Setup Time
| Hanil Jeong | | 1996 |
67 | DC | 전문가시스템秋 |
Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Based Scheduling System using Simulation
| Kitae Kim | | 1994 |
66 | DC | 시뮬레이션秋 |
Effects of Part Release Polices to Performance of Manufacturing System
| Sangbok Woo | | 1994 |
65 | DC | 산업공학秋 |
A Study on View Integration in Entity-Relation data model
| Kitae Shin | | 1994 |
64 | DC | 공동학회春 |
A Study on the Group Scheduling Problem in Cellular Manufacturing System
| Jaesoo Shim | | 1995 |
63 | DC | 공동학회春 |
Development of a Shop-floor Scheduling and Control Software Based on Bidding Algorithm
| Daeyoung Chung | | 1995 |
62 | DC | 공동학회春 |
Design and Specification of Low-Level Control Softwares for FMC using Supervisory Control Theory
| Sangkyun Kim | | 1995 |
61 | DC | 공동학회春 |
A Study on Part Selection Problem at Initial Design Stage of FMS
| Hosub Shin | | 1996 |
60 | DC | 공동학회春 |
Function-to-Process Flow Model Transformation for Design of CIM
| Chankwon Park | | 1996 |
59 | DC | 시뮬레이션春 |
Simulation modeling of JIT System
| Kitae Kim | | 1995 |
58 | DC | 전문가시스템秋 |
사례기반 추론에서 Fuzzy 개념을 이용한 유사사례 추출
| Jonghan Kim | | 1996 |
57 | DC | 공동학회春 |
철강산업에서 용선제조비용 최소화를 위한 최적화모형 개발
| Jonghan Kim | | 1997 |
» | DC | 공동학회春 |
A scheduling algorithm considering subcontract cost in MRP environment
| Kichang Lee | | 1997 |
55 | DC | 시뮬레이션春 |
FMS 스케줄링을 위한 Priority 함수의 자동 생성에 관한 연구
| Kitae Kim | | 1997 |