author 한수민 
2nd author 정한일, 박진우 
presenter 한수민 
year 2016 
category DJ 
start / end date 20160414/20160415 
city / nation 서귀포 
학회 공동학회春 
keywords Emergency Logistics, Disaster Response, Genetic Algorithm 
abstract In 2000s, incidence of natural disaster is increasing continuously. Therefore, the necessity of research on the effective disaster response is emphasized.
Korea is not safe from natural disaster. Natural disasters like torrential downpours, typhoons have occurred more frequently than before. In addition disasters like droughts and MERS has also occurred. Therefore, needs for effective systems and algorithms to respond disaster are increased.
This study covers the vehicle routing problem for effective logistics in disaster situations caused by natural disasters. The emergency vehicle route problem has different property from the general vehicle route problem. It has the property of the importance of deadline, the uncertain and dynamic demand information, and the uncertainty in information transfer. In this study, a solution that focused on the importance of deadline.
In this study, the heuristic solution using the genetic algorithm are suggested. Finally the simulation experiment which reflects the actual environment are conducted to verify the performance of the solution. 

2016년 춘계통합학회

번호 category 학회 제목 author presenter year
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