154 | DC | 공동학회春 |
A Study on Hierarchical Approach for FMS Production Planning and Scheduling Problems
| Seongyoung Jang | | 1990 |
153 | DC | 국제공동 |
An Integrated Production Planning Model for Flexible Manufacturing Systems
| Seongyoung Jang | | 1990 |
152 | DC | DB |
A Preliminary Study: Database Technology for Computer Integrated Manufacturing
| Jusuk Park | | 1991 |
151 | DC | 정보과학秋 |
Database Technology for Computer Integrated Manufuacturing
| Jusuk Park | | 1992 |
150 | DC | 경영과학秋 |
SNU CIM-FMS Center : the first step for CIM
| Jintae Jang | | 1992 |
149 | DC | 공동학회春 |
Implementation of a Production Planning and Scheduling Module for Operations of a Flexible Manufacturing and Assembly System
| Chankwon Park | | 1992 |
148 | DC | 산업공학秋 |
A Study on the Production Planning and Scheduling Problem in a Flexible
| Chankwon Park | | 1992 |
» | DC | 경영과학秋 |
Deadlock Control in Flexible Manufacturing with a Distributed Control Scheme
| Namkyu Park | | 1993 |
146 | DC | 경영과학秋 |
A Comparative Analysis of Production Control Policies under Production Uncertainty
| Janghan Lee | | 1993 |
145 | DC | 경영과학秋 |
Distributed Control of Shop Floor for Flexible Manufacturing System
| Namkyu Park | | 1993 |
144 | DC | 산업공학秋 |
A Study on the development of Computer-aided Process Planning System for Rotational Parts and its Management considering Machine Status
| Sungbum Chun | | 1993 |
143 | DC | 자동제어 |
A Study on the FMS Shop Floor Control by Bidding among Autonomous Objects
| Jangsuk Moon | | 1993 |
142 | DC | 산업공학秋 |
An Information Model for Shop Floor Control by Interfacing Databases with Expert Systems
| Namkyu Park | | 1993 |
141 | DC | 산업공학秋 |
A Study on the FMS Shop Floor Control by Bidding among Autonomous Objects
| Jangsuk Moon | | 1993 |
140 | DC | 공동학회春 |
A Study on Development of a Knowledge Based Scheduler and Knowledge Acquisition through Simulation
| Kitae Kim | | 1994 |
139 | DC | 경영과학秋 |
Development of Statistic data processing module for layout simulator
| Hosub Shin | | 1994 |
138 | DC | 전문가시스템秋 |
Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Based Scheduling System using Simulation
| Kitae Kim | | 1994 |
137 | DC | 시뮬레이션秋 |
Effects of Part Release Polices to Performance of Manufacturing System
| Sangbok Woo | | 1994 |
136 | DC | 산업공학秋 |
A Study on View Integration in Entity-Relation data model
| Kitae Shin | | 1994 |
135 | DC | 공동학회春 |
A Study on the Group Scheduling Problem in Cellular Manufacturing System
| Jaesoo Shim | | 1995 |