author Kidong Kim 
2nd author / Hyungsang Hahn ()
/ Chankwon Park (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
/ Namkyu Park (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
/ Youngsoo Lee ()
/ Jinwoo Park (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University) 
info Date: 1997년 07월 21일 ~ 1997년 07월 23일
City: Seoul
Nation: Korea
Additional Information:
4th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufactuing Systems, pp95-100 
year 1997 
category IC 
start / end date  
city / nation  
학회 IFAC on IMS 
keywords Scheduling, Process Planning, Simulation 
abstract Traditionally, the problems of manufacturing technology and manufacturing management have been treated independently. The process planning problem and the scheduling problem are a good example. In this research, we propose a scheduling system which solves the process planninng problem and the scheduling problem simultaneously. We argue that we can obtain a better and practical scheduling solution by dynamically changing the processing machines and operations as the shop condition changes. The proposed scheduling system takes the initial process plan for alternative machines and operations represented by an AND/OR graph as its input. Other informational inputs to the system are part order and shop status. The system then generates new process plans and schedules iteratively, until we finally fix the process plan after verifying the performance of the schedule by a simulation study. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme provides a viable solution for real world scheduling problems. 


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71 IC  PCM  An Intelligent Batch Splitting method for Schedule Improvement in MRP Environment Hanil Jeong    1996 
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