author Jungsub Lee 
2nd author Tai-Woo Chang
Kitae Shin
Dongmyung Lee
Jinwoo Park 
info This conference paper has been presented by Dongmyung Lee on the Asian eBusiness Workshop. The conference has been held in Kyeoungju, Korea, 2008/8/28 ~ 2008/8/30 . 
year 2008 
category IC 
start / end date  
city / nation  
학회 Asian eBiz 
keywords Supplier Responsiveness Index, New Products Launch, Demand Uncertainty 
abstract To maximize profit in a competing market, a flexible and responsive supply chain is necessary to a manufacturer especially in a new product launch. It is important to manage suppliers who supply parts of the new products to satisfy variable demand. We analyzed the supplier evaluation measures from literatures and proposed supplier evaluation index in terms of responsiveness especially in a new product launch. Based on the existing supplier evaluation measures, we suggest performance measures of supplier responsiveness in a new product launch. A simulation study is conducted with the measures in order to understand the responsiveness of a supply chain. The proposed evaluation index is expected to help decision making process of a manufacturer on purchasing and finding bottleneck suppliers. 

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번호 category 학회 제목 author presenter year
249 DC  한국방재학회  재난 시 돌발 상황 대응 시스템 구축에 관한 연구 file 한수민  최상윤  2016 
248 DJ  공동학회春  재난 현장의 구호 자원 운송 차량 경로에 관한 연구 file 한수민  한수민  2016 
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246 DC  대한산업공학회  태양광 보급 확산을 통한 전력 자립률 제고에 관한 연구: 서울 지역을 중심으로 file 최상윤  최상윤  2015 
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240 DC  시뮬레이션秋  중앙집중형 역방향 물류관리의 효과에 관한 연구 Youngwoo Kim    2009 
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196 DC  KSME  재구성 생산 시스템을 위한 스케줄러 및 시뮬레이터 개발 Sumin Han    2014 
195 DC  KOSHAM  새로운 분류 알고리즘을 적용한 응급대응자원관리 시스템에 관한 연구 Sumin Han    2014 
194 DC  (한국철도학회)  복구지원 리소스 현황 파악을 위한 관리체계 설계 Sumin Han    2014 
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