author Donghyun Kim 
2nd author  
info This conference paper has been presented by Donghyun Kim on the 대한산업공학회/한국경영과학회 춘계공동학술대회. The conference has been held in 여수, 서울, 2013/5/23 ~ 2013/5/25 . 
year 2013 
category DC 
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학회 공동학회春 
keywords MG, DG, Station-to-grid(S2G), V2G, ESS, Battery switching, Renewable energy 
abstract In this study, we consider the battery charging schedule of switching station for electric vehicles (EV) with distributed generation (DG).
The battery switch station is considered as a microgrid consisting of DG facilities including renewable energy resources and EV batteries which is used not only as switching products but also as an energy storage system.
In order to operate the switch station efficiently, we developed models to minimize the cost of battery switch station by determining the optimal DG capacity, the number of beginning inventory(e.g. the number of EV batteries, capacity of energy storage) and charging/discharging schedule for different operating conditions.
In the proposed system, EV batteries in switch stations store the power generated through the DG and utility and their charging schedule influence the operation cost of the battery switch station. 

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