author Mokmin Park 
2nd author Kitae Shin
Hanil Jeong
Jinwoo Park 
info This conference paper has been presented by Jinwoo Park on the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems. The conference has been held in Bordeaux, France, 2009/9/19 ~ 2009/9/23 . 
year 2009 
category IC 
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학회 APMS 
keywords responsiveness; due-date assignment; web services technology; ubiquitous computing technology 
abstract This study attempts to enhance the responsiveness of enterprises by adjusting the delivery dates taking into account of the production and delivery schedules in a supply chain. To enhance responsiveness, we suggest a due-date assignment method and re-negotiation process for a sales order processing system. The due-date assignment method is designed with the concept of categorized customers’ priorities and the re-negotiation process is designed with the concept of the partial delivery and due-date delay allowances. Usually, the due-dates have been considered as customer-assigned exogenous parameters or fixed endogenous variables set by manufacturers. However, those are customary in some industries, e.g. semi-conductor manufacturing, that customers often request changes for their delivery dates after placing an order if something unexpected happens. From these observations, we also propose a new
architecture of responsive sales order processing system based on Web Services and Ubiquitous Computing technologies for reliable real-time information. 

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