author Gyusun Hwang 
2nd author Tai-woo Chang and Jinwoo Park 
presenter Gyusun Hwang 
info ICIE (International Conference of Industrial Engineering)
10.10~ 12 
year 2016 
category IC 
start / end date 10.10 ~ 10.12 
city / nation Seoul/Korea 
학회 IJIE 
keywords Internet of Things; Performance measurement; Anomaly analysis; Process modelling; Business Process Management 
abstract The concept of Internet of Things (IoT) is important in collecting the shop floor data and transmitting it into the Information System in real time. The rapid proliferation of IoT in recent days has given rise to demands for clear acquisition of the IoT data as important sources of the performance measurement. The purpose of this study is to present the business process of the performance measurement using business process management (BPM). Moreover, in the common situation, IoT data may have a good quality and then performance measurement process has not any problem. However, in real situation, some IoT data may exhibit some anomalies, which triggers incorrect performance measurement. We try to explore the effectiveness of the data anomies and develop an anomaly detection & mitigation algorithm. To validate our proposed business process and algorithm, we will design virtual factory and execute the simulation. Through the simulation analysis, we are able to get an enhance realism. 


번호 category 학회 제목 author presenter year
75 IC  ICMA  Machine-Understandable e-Business Modeling with Ontology Tai-Woo Chang    2002 
74 IC  Asian eBiz  A Systematic Approach for Ontology-based e-Business Modeling Tai-Woo Chang    2002 
73 IC  SCSC  Performance Improvement Methodology for a Manufacturing System using Petri Nets and Simulation Analysis Kichang Lee    2002 
72 IC  SCSC  Inventory Management in a Supply Chain using Neural Networks file Sungwon Jung    2002 
71 IC  IBERC  An Ontology-Based Framework for e-Business Integration file Tai-Woo Chang    2003 
70 IC  ICPR  Combined production and distribution planning using demand based mixed Genetic Algorithm in a supply chain file Sungwon Jung    2003 
69 IC  CIE  Decision support system for preliminary cost estimation with case based reasoning file Jonghan Kim    2004 
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59 IC  Asian eBiz  Applying Negotiation Patterns in Supply Chain Planning based on Self-integrating Environment file Yuncheol Kang    2005 
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