author Kyoungmin Kim 
2nd author Youngwoo Kim
Jinwoo Park 
presenter Kyoungmin Kim 
info This conference paper has been presented by Kyoungmin Kim at the Automation 2015 Conference. The conference has been held in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 2015/11/13 ~ 2014/11/15. 
year 2015 
category IC 
start / end date 2015-11-13 ~ 2015-11-15 
city / nation Taipei/Taiwan 
학회 ICAT 
keywords RFID, user memory, shop-floor production management, production scheduling 
abstract Products of today, e.g. automobiles consists of tens of thousands of parts, and the corresponding
supply chain consists of huge number of component suppliers. In this complex supply chain,
RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) may work as a very viable solution to collect real-time
shop floor information including inventory or work progress. However, there is almost no report
on the use of RFID-based real-time information system in traditional scheduling problems,
which can benefit from such technology advancement. Recently a new RFID standard has been
published, i.e. GS1 EPC Tag Data version 1.7, which allows us to utilize kilobytes of RFID
memory space at users’ own discretion. In this study, we propose a new real-time response
scheduling system utilizing this new RFID technology. We will demonstrate that we can
provide fast response scheduling solutions for moderate size plant operations using simulation


번호 category 학회 제목 author presenter year
15 IC  IFORS  A Closed-loop Supply Chain Coordination Model Considering the Effect of Regulation Alternatives Youngwoo Kim    2011 
14 IC  ICPR  A study on scheduling and rescheduling problem of the FMC during transient disturbance period with pallet constraints Hongbum Na    2011 
13 IC  APMS  Modeling and optimization of unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with time-dependent and machine-dependent electricity cost Joon Yung Moon    2011 
12 IC  AsiaSim  Developing a Practical Machine Scheduler for Worker-Involved Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems Jinwu Seo    2011 
11 IC  ISII  Framework Design of Intelligent Service System for the Middle-of-Life Product Soyeon Yoon    2011 
10 IC  ICICIC  Evaluation of Intelligent Service System for the Middle-of-Life Product Soyeon Yoon    2011 
9 IC  ICLS  Modeling and Optimization of Cost-effective Charging Scheduling for the Battery Switch Stations of Electric Vehicles Donghyun Kim    2012 
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7 IC  APORS  Developing performance measurement framework for MES (Manufacturing Execution System) Gyusun Hwang    2012 
6 IC  IEOM  Designing an effective scheduling scheme considering multi-level BOM in hybrid job shop Sumin Han    2012 
5 IC  APMS  Designing an Integrated Data System for Remanufacturing with RFID Technology Youngwoo Kim    2012 
4 IC  APMS  Development of a Strategic Model for Freight Transportation with a Case Study of the Far East Louis Coulet    2013 
3 IC  ICPR  The Effect of Enhanced Flexibility in the Reconfigurable Manufacturing Cell Jinwu S    2013 
2 IC  JCIMT  Operational Performance metrics in manufacturing process: Based on SCOR model and RFID technology Gyusun Hwang    2014 
1 IC  APMS  A Lifecycle Data Management System Based on RFID Technology of EPCC1G2 Youngwoo Kim    2014