2015.07.31 15:21
author | Hyoung-Gon Lee |
2nd author | Hongbum Na Jinwoo Park |
presenter | |
info | This conference paper has been presented by Hongbum Na on the 한국정밀공학회 학술대회. The conference has been held in Jeju, Korea, 2005/6/23 ~ 2005/6/24 . Additional information about the conference(conference paper) is '라마다플라자제주호텔'. |
year | 2005 |
category | DC |
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학회 | 정밀공학 |
keywords | ERP(전사적 자원 관리), MRP(자재소요게획), Part Explosion(부품전개), Single Table Schema(단일 테이블 스키마), virtual main memory DB(메인메모리 가상 DB). |
abstract | There have been many studies to improve the performance of a database system focused on modifying data structure, data partitioning, and materializing strategy. The main contribution of this study is to propose a new alternative towards improving database performance by designing single table schema or processing queries virtually in main memory space. Material Requirement Planning(MRP) part explosion process has shown almost 2 times shorter under DB schema we suggested, and even more than 10 times shorter when separating and filtering policy of DB archiving process are assumed. Several experimental results are shown to illustrate the excellence of our solution. |
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