author Kiheon Nam 
2nd author Sungho Jo
Jinwoo Par 
info This conference paper has been presented by Kiheon Nam on the 한국시뮬레이션학회 춘계학술대회. The conference has been held in 포항, 대한민국, 2008/5/16 ~ 2008/5/16 .

Additional information about the conference(conference paper) is '포항공과대학교'. 
year 2008 
category DC 
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학회 시뮬레이션春 
keywords RFID, Supply Chain, Simulation, Quantitative Analysis 
abstract The RFID technologies are came into the spotlight as a mean of overcoming the technological limits of the bar-code technologies. Although a lot of researches are conducted to Implement the RFID technologies to the various fields, researches that attempt to Implement RFID technologies in supply chain have been steadily conducted since 2000. But there are some problems to implement the RFID technologies in supply chain, we focused on the lack of the researches that conduct the quantitative analysis. There are two types of the quantitative analysis of implementing RFID technologies in supply chain, one conducts the simulation to identify the dynamic changes of the supply chain performance measures and the other suggests the numerical formula to conduct the cost-benefit analysis. So, we integrated the two types of approach and discuss of ROI(Returns on Investment) of implementing RFID technologies in supply chain. 

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